Tuesday, February 13, 2007


In 1999 I was broken-hearted. I kept on researching for Catholic prayers online just to help me feel better. I printed them out and forgot where I kept them.

I have moved so many times since then. It's been almost 8 years now. I was cleaning my living room the other day. I found this prayer just in time when I was having a breakdown. The only word I saw was the name of the prayer - "Surrender". I felt this was God's way of telling me something.

Go figure...
I looked up the website and it's still there from 1999. I copied and pasted the following from the website as a constant remembrance for me of what I need to do.

Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty, my memory, my understanding and my whole will. All that I am and all that I possess You have given me: I surrender itall to You to be disposed of according to Your will. Give me only Your love and Your grace; with these I will be rich enough, and will desire nothing more.


Thursday, February 08, 2007


The whole gist of Oprah's show today was Gratitude. There's a new book and DVD entitled "The Secret". Different inspirational people talk about The Secret of getting what you want in life. They say the Secret is Gratitude.

And so I will try to do as they advice. Ain't nothing wrong with a little more gratitude. They say whatever you focus on expands further. If you feel sad then your sadness expands. If you feel depressed and dwell on it, it expands further. If you focus on your debt, you find it hard to just get out of it. Numerous times have I felt this way. Just can't get a break!

So now if you focus on gratitude, it will expand and the positive things in your life will expand too.

Here's my list of what I am thankful for today:
  • A husband who will love me for the rest of our lives.
  • A beautiful and happy son.
  • Achieving my dream at age 24 the legit way.
  • Having my Master's.
  • Being good in Math.
  • My mom, dad and sister's good health.
  • My family's good health.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Things are Looking Up

It's been 12 days since I last blogged. I just couldn't find anything positive to write about and I promised myself I would only write positive now. However today, I got some good news.

Even if things are not working as planned, it is still looking up. Cause for a celebration! My credit is getting better. Everything else is getting better. We are going to buy a house soon.

2007 is my year! That's all that I can say.

Thank God! *Sigh of relief*

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My BOO (Sentimental at the Start of the New Year)

It's our 3rd new year together. I am happy. Never lasted this long with a guy. haha.

I love him in every way. He is my cheerleader. He gives me hope, the depressive that I am. He prays for me. He loves me. Our marriage is not perfect but we try everyday to make it the best.

After he proposed to me on March 13, 2005, I prayed every night to God and asked Him for guidance, that if he is not the ONE, for Him to break us up before we get married. There are a lot of couples who break up during their engagements. Some just don't show up at the altar, some runaway. Apparently, we're still here. We fought for us. Everybody, even my family and relatives didn't want us together. In time, my family came to accept us. God gave them a reason to accept us. God wanted us together. So, in November 12, 2005, He blessed our union.

I love you, babe. You're still the one. :)

Sunday, December 31, 2006


Friday, December 29, 2006

Action Plan

I don't want to call it resolutions. Resolutions are meant to be broken. Hehe.

From this day on, I want to be the best wife I could be. I'm a very irritable person so I know my husband has been very patient with me. I'm not the easiest person to live with. I plan to make that situation better.

I want to be a positive person. No more negative thinking. Life is too short to think about the bad stuff. Good, great things should be celebrated. Sometimes there are ventures that don't work out just because it is not the right time yet. Patience is a virtue. Rejection is direction. Look another way, focus on something else. Don't stop looking at other avenues. Some people are just blessed to find what they really want careerwise, however, it's better when it takes time sometimes. It builds character.

Looking at what I've gone through this past year only made me feel better even if there are events that weren't really great. There are still things to be thankful for - like the good health of my son; or the strength I have gained going through every day problems. Time can cause emotions and thoughts to change. You know that when your really down the only direction to go is up, so you just wait and pray and hope.